On Turning Sixty

10th January 2021

Ten was “when”

When I am older, when I leave school behind and seek and find, when I travel, when I unravel, and unwind, all the mysteries of this world, and when my mind is stretched, and then…

Twenty was “aplenty”

Time to fritter away, and love and faith to lose, in the gay abandonment of bindings. Unravelling, unwinding; mysteries solved, that disappointed because they were not mysterious at all.

Thirty was “bedirty”

Ten’s and Twenty’s lustre blackened. Truths and certainties defiled and mind beguiled. Time tick-tick-ticking too fast too fast, solitude lost in mad cavorting, falling inwards, into an eternity of nothing.

Forty was “sporty”

Flashing and dashing, repairing, restoring. Tempo tamed, demons named, then pushed into the foul abyss whence they came.

Fifty was “nifty”

Clever, canny, calm. Shutters opened, and white light wiping dirty shadows away. Forty was night and Fifty was day.

Sixty is “fixity”

Stabilized, secured, but not immobilized. Frayed ends tied. Moored. Wise; yet seeking still, surprise. Bespectacled, with glass rose-tinted, the glinting highlights, the beauty in all, and clear, unblinkered eyes cry crystal tears of joy. I do not fall, but rise.

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